Sunday, May 6, 2007


Here comes what you all been waiting for, the very exciting blogg of Emelie Nässén.
I've been very bad at blogging so far, so I will try to be better from this week and on.

My subject is about Sweden's neutrality, and the arms export during the cold war.
I want to know how and if Sweden was exporting weapons, and to which countries during this period. And if they did, how did they continue being neutral?

I found this very interesting scientific report written by Statsvetenskapliga instutitionen on Göterborgs university. It is about Sweden and it's neutrality during the cold war, which is perfect for my subject. If any of you are interested in reading it, here it is:
It takes a while to go through it, but it is very good so it's worth it!

During this project, I also want to learn more about neutrality, Is it good or is it bad?

And to connect this to today, I want to find out if Sweden has the same attitude towards neutrality today. Is Sweden still neutral in war today? And is Sweden still trying to be neutral?

I also found a really good source about Sweden considering nuclear weapons.
On the site, you can read about why they wanted to have nuclear weapons, and why they didn't get it in the end.

Now I hope you got a picture of what im doing. Talk to you later!

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