Sunday, May 13, 2007


Well, here once again.

This week, I can admit, I haven't found so much useful to my assignment. I have started to read my two books from Kulturmagasinet.
- Hjärnridån by Kristian Gemer, Stefan Hedlund and Nicklas Sundström.
- Öst, väst, nord, syd - Huvuddrag i internationell politik efter 1945 by Geir Lundestad.
One includes the theories of who to blaim (revisionists etc), and the other book is more about Russias success during the Cold War and how the invisible thread was spread all over the world. I have also read about the communism vs capitalism.

I also went to both Hedbergskas library and Kulturmagasinet once again, but didn't find anymore, hopefully useful sources. So I need to search more information and facts on the internet the coming week. Though, I haven't found too much, I've been thinking and searching things to relate the Iron Curtain to today. How it affected the people socially and how it changed the boundaries between countries - and if they did. But, I might need some help to find good sources about this? I would be greatful :)

Adíos amigos! / Emmelie Hammarstedt.

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