Sunday, April 29, 2007

Change of topic.

After talking to Tobias I realized that we have the exact same topic.. So I figured I have to change mine, since I've hardly gotten anywhere jet anyway.
Just don't know what I want to change it to..

Back to square one....

/Frida Nässén

Divided Berlin.

Since the last time i blogged, i have been reading some internet articles. Most of them were not really helpful except this one. This site had exactly what i need to read about my topic. It expresses the feelings of Berliners towards the 96 mile barrier that was seperating them. It shows in many ways how easy life was in West Berlin compared to East Berlin. There was also another site, which compares the different sides of Berlin based on their sides of the Berlin wall. While the Wastern side of the wall was filled with pictures of "graffiti" and expressions of peope´s feelings towards the barrier, the eastern wall was empty as people were not allowed to even come near the wall. The wall drawings also represent the two different forms of government between the two areas.
The book that i got earlier is hard to read, but i´ll keep on trying.


Reading but nothing really good so far..

My second blogg this week, and I don't really know what to write as I haven't done so much since the last blogg I wrote.
Because I wrote the last blogg on the History lesson and then continued to read a book I got from the library, but I didn't find any information that suited my needs. Julia gave me a movie, but I haven't had time to watch it yet. On the social science lesson this friday we were doing that game theory thing so we didn't work with this project.
But I have two more books to read, one news article and one movie to see, so I hope there will be some good information for me there.

//Linda Ekmarker

Saturday, April 28, 2007

About Reagan

I borrowed a book from the library about Reagan, but it was to much before he actully became president, so a borrowed another one today. There where two books left to choose from, one that was written by a superpro-Ronald Reagan author and one he had written himself. I didn't know which source that was the best, but since I have the "objective" view from a encyclopedia, I choose to investigate some more in his biography. How good source is that?
The librarian was very helpfull, so she showed me the encyclopedia from the special year, and there it was alot about him. Maybye not so deep, but enough to understand and get a picture of who he was and his lifetime.
I also posted a thread on a forum to ask what the teens of americas view was, but they mostley complaind about my spelling and the views were very different, some thought of him as a hero and some a conspiracy maker with the devil.
Right now I would like to have some help with finding the opposite view of his politics. Or somebody that recognize his flaws and have other concpiracys then that he would co-operate with the devil.
I'm also thinking of what question I'm going to investigate, I haven't decided yet. "Han gav USA styrka igen, gav landet en identitet och fick människorna att le", could this quote form some sort of question? Perhaps how or why?
SInce I will miss the two lessons we got with the report week 18 (since I'm in France), I will use the time I get during the journey to read one side of the Ronald Reagan-story.

//Friday A

Thursday, April 26, 2007



Today, at the lesson in history, I finally decided what I want to work with in this report. I went to Kulturmagasinet to find some useful books for the topic I've chosen: Which is The Korean War.

I find it pretty interesting to read about, two different political sides vs each other. What I now want to know is WHY it broke out. When I was reading today, I read a lot about how it broke out when the US and Sovjet became "enemies" and wanted the South and North side of Korea to stay divided, but I didn't find anywhere to read about why the north side attacked the south side. Only that the capitalists saw it as an attempt to spread communistic ideas, to try out the strength of the capitalists.

Though, I borrowed around 3-4 books about the war, about what happened after and how it broke out, so I hope I will find some realistic and/or trustworthy answers there. I don't remember the names of the books, because I left them at school. But I can sign them up here tomorrow so you know a little bit more exactly what I'm reading for the moment.

The aims I also have to think about, what I will focuse on exactly and so on. Though, the linking to today is easy when Korea still is divided in North and South. This will probably develop into a very political report with streaks of history.

/ Isabelle

Hola chicos!

And yes, now it's my turn to write in this blog. I've chosen subject now, it was quiet hard but now I'm all in for.. The Iron Curtain during the Cold War. Why? Well, I searched some facts about the Berlin wall in the beginning of the week (social science), and found some interesting pages (that I unfortunately (?) lost since the internet died) where I read about the Iron Curtain, Winston Churchill and the invisible thread that separated the communist ruled East Europe from the West side. During the week I have also read about how the Soviet wanted to "avskärma" Eastern Europe from the western parts to prevent influences from their kind of ruling etc. I have also understand that the creating of the Berlin Wall was the peak in this struggle, since it really separated those two sides from each other. This was in 1961. The year after did the Iron Curtain begin to fall because of tourism, trading and cultural contacts between the East and the Western world. - But, the Berlin Wall was still there, strictly controlled by guards.

Hm, I can almost say that I've found everything at
But, I have also been at three libraries this week. GA, Hedbergska and Kulturmagasinet, but it's not much information to fínd there. The library-women helped me today, at Kulturis, and found two books that it might be some facts about the Iron Curtain and why it appeard. So, I will start to read them and search for more fact tomorrow.

Ciao! Over and out - Emmelie Hammarstedt

Mikhail Gorbachev

I have now decided to work and write about Mikhail Gorbachev. My aim is to find out if the Soviet Union fell when he was the leader and if it fell because of him I've would like understand what caused this, if it was his politics or if the fall of the Soviet Union and communism was inevitable. I've searched for facts on the internet but I haven't really found something really good. I've been on the "Kulturmagasinet" and there I found some good books; "Gorbachev, the path to power" by Christian Schimdt-Häuer and "Många år med Gorbachev". I think that I have found good material to start with.

Ida Sundberg

The Cuban Missile Crisis

I have decided to work with the cuban missile crisis, and I will focus on the importance of the crisis during the cold war. I want to know more about how big part the crisis had for the cold war and why. During this week I have been looking for sources and facts to use, but still I haven't found anything that is so extremely useful. Except for one page:, here I found some useful information.

Sofia Stadin

In rich old men we trust...

I have decided to work about the religion in USSR during the cold war, to see what their attitude towards it was....
So far I have found 2-3 sources mentioning that they used propaganda to convince [force] people into atheism. One of these sources is a long article about how religion started with us worshipping the memeory [souls] of the rich and elderly when they passed away...
Who here will pray to the ghost of Bill Gates in a few years from now? The most entertaining one so far =^_^=


Frida's bloging. :P

This week I have decided on a subject. I will also write about John F Kennedy, but my aim will be to find out how his politics have affected the world after his death. Mostly I think I want to write about his struggle for equality among black and white people, and how his work contributed to any improvement in that area.
Or something.. :P

/Frida Nässén

Propaganda - Vietnam War


So far, I have decided what to write about and started the search for sources.
My subject is propaganda during the cold war but I have limited it to one question: How USA used propaganda to justify war in Vietnam. I chose it because I wanted to really explore propaganda, or at least parts of it, during the Cold War. We have studied the Cold War for a while but I haven't learned anything about the propaganda. As this was a war of propaganda more than real fighting I thought it would be great to get this knowledge too.
After I had decided my subject I had to start finding sourcesto work with. So I started to look for pages on Internet, but I didn't find that much good information. Except for one page ( with a quite horrible propaganda poster which show what strong feelings USA used to get people into the war.
I have also been to Hedbergskas library, but I haven't had time to read all through yet, so I don't know if it is any good sources for me.

Linda Ekmarker

Martin Luther King

It was difficult for me to choose a topic, I wasn't so sure of what I wanted to work with and learn more about.. First I chosed to work with the campaign for equal rights in USA, but after I read a bit about that I decided to work with Martin Luther King, and found out who he was during the Cold War (and what his role in the campaign for equal rights were).

So I have decided what I want to know, and I have begun to look for sources, and these are the ones I've found now (it's not all, but with these I've started to read about Martin Luther King, and his involvement in the capaign for equal rights in USA):

//Emelie Söderlund Lärkfors

Terrorist or freedom fighter.... That is the kvästijon

Nelson Mandela is a great and respected man, why? because he liberated south africa from persecution and such. But there is a lot of other people who think that he/she is doing the same, but they are considered terrorists.


What is the difference?

Love and kisses....


My subject and aim

I have decided to work with India and the British impacts on the country, my aim is to find out if all the impacts were bad, good or both. Right now I have used two saources and that is Julia's two history books, World History and Modern World History. These books were quite good because I got to know the basic stuff, but to my report I will have to use other books with more details and depth. Maybe I have found two such books, but on the internet. They are only about the impacts so they seems to be really good, but unfortunatley "Kult Maggan" did not have them. Maybe someone of you have one of the books, it is called "The Lion and the Tiger: The rise and fall of the British Raj by Denis Judd"? Anyway, so far I have taken notes from the two books I have used and I have been searching on the internet for pages with information. On this lesson I will read through the facts that I have got and finish my notes to the first two books.

Tjing tjing - Frida Nilsson

Wednesday, April 25, 2007



As you all know I have chosen the topic JFK and his assassination. I have been sitting here thinking about this and what I really want to know about it. I previously came to the conclusion that I wanted to know how the assassination affected contemporary american politics and it's connections to today.

I feel highly unsertain about this topic as it seems pretty far fetched. None the less I was looking for information regarding the incident and its aftermath when I realized that if I wanted to know the ramifications to american politics, I would have to search for the name Lyndon B Johnson (Kennedy's succsessor) and not Kennedy himself.

So this is what has dawned on me!

// Tobias Ohlsson

It's a conspiracy I tell you, IT'S A CONSPIRACY!

After running into some problems with linking my subject (the moon landing, and why there's so much debate and sceptisism surrounding it) to the present, I decided that I'm going to change it a little bit.

Sometime around october last year, the North Korean government claimed to have carried out nuclear tests. As everything else surrounding North Korea, their motives aren't clear, but one could interpret it as a display of power.

The same thing applies to more or less everything during the cold war, but the space race especially. The US government spent billions of dollars (remember that this is during the 60's) on their space programs, just to put a few people on a dead rock that happens to be in orbit around our earth. Even though some people would claim that it was a noble adventure in the spirit of science, there is no doubt that their main motive was to show the USSR and the rest of the world that they had the best rocket guidance system in the world. Which of course also meant that they had the best missile guidance system in the world...

Right now I don't have any 100% relevant links for you, however, I can offer you an interview with an old nut who is convinced that the moon landing was fake and that the CIA blew up the Challenger:




I have been searching for information about sweden and I have read a lot about politics during this period of time. Trevor, what was the thing with the plane? I can't remember the name! I think I will write about that!


I decided to work with tito. So yesterday i went to the libary and borrowed a book about him and titoism. I havent red it yet so know if its good or not.

/ yours truly sandy

Al- Qaida

It was really hard for me to pick a subject. But when reading of the Afghaniztan War in 1927 I got interested in Al-Qaida. Did you know that some of the present members in Al-Qaida are veterans from the Afganistan war? and thats because of the US inference in the war. And did you know that Al- Qaida also was formed after the end of this war? I think this seems really interestion, so Al-Qaida will be my subject. I haven't searched so much yet. I have only used wikipedia so far. But I know there is a lof of information to find! ;P

//Sandra Elfgren

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

changed topic


I read a lot on the internet this evening, and finally decided which topic I will take. it will be the cultural part of the cold war. I found out that the CIA had a big role in controlling the propaganda in the USA during the Cold War, found ways of propaganda by commercials and products, for example Barbie who represented the american way of life, because she was the ultimate consumer.

I know some of us also work with propaganda during the Cold War. I will give you my links, maybey it can help some of you.

Marit Dekker

Monday, April 23, 2007

Blogg Twice a Week

Hello again Everyone,

This is a reminder that you must blogg 2x a week on this! You are to be specific as to what you have done and the information you have received. Also, feel free to send your links and ask questions to each other and to me! The idea here is to cooperate and learn from each other. Remember that your projector must be linked to the Cold War and must also somehow be connected to today! Remember these two main points throughout your work! Good Luck and ask questions if you have them!

