Wednesday, May 2, 2007


I have started to read one book (of many books) about Mikhail Gorbachev and I think there's a lot of information about him in that book. I have found quite good information about Gorbachev in Soviet politics 1917-1991 by Mary McAuley (which is the book I'm talking about), the information is good for me beacuse it tells about Gorbachev's different ideas and what he wanted to change in the Soviet society and the way of ruling. I think that this book will give me clear view of what he thought and wanted to accomplish with his changes in ruling, and from that I might be able to analyse if his thoughts might have contributed to Soviet's fall or not. I will keep reading this book and then read some more books that I have found and try to compare them and see if they can help me in my search for the answer to my question, why did the Soviet Union fall under Mikhail Gorbachev?

Ida S

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