Saturday, May 5, 2007

Mikhail Gorbachev -----> Today

I have been thinking about how I will connect my work with today's Russia. I can honestly say that I have some trouble finding a good connection. I have not found anything good about it yet because I want to get a view of Gorbachev's accomplishments first and have therefore been working with that. Maybe I can connect Gorbachev's reforms to today's Russia, maybe the reforms are still going on or if they have been totally abolished. I don't really know, I would need some help with the connection. Maybe Putin is influenced by Gorbachev. I will continue my searching for a connection and read about Russia today and then see if there is a link between today and the Soviet time when Gorbachev ruled. Russia's low profile the last years might have a connection with Gorbachev's failure to reform the USSR.
I will keep searching.


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